What Should I Document at the Scene of a Car Accident?

5-7 minute read | Published: March 28, 2024 | Updated: April 17, 2024

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Car accident 911

The last thing on most people’s minds after getting into a car accident is what they need to do following the incident. But you need to understand that what you do after the fact is critical, not only in keeping you safe but also in protecting your legal rights.

First things first – you need to check yourself and everyone involved in the accident. If someone’s hurt, call 911. Doing this is the quickest way to record your accident and at the same time, ensure that those injured will get immediate medical assistance.

When the police officers arrive at the scene, they will investigate the crash and create a police report. You’ll need this document if you decide to file a claim or pursue legal action for your damages and injuries.

But your job does not end with calling 911. You need to do your part in documenting the scene of the car accident as well.

You may use this checklist:

1. Details of the Accident

Record as many details as you can while your memory is still fresh. Include things like road and weather conditions, what could have caused the crash, statements from the other parties involved, statements from the witnesses, as well as their contact information.

2. Photos and/or Videos

You need to have plenty of visual evidence to paint a picture of the accident scene including your injuries, the injuries of the other parties involved and damage to your vehicle, skid marks, road conditions, license plates, etc. These photos and videos will be used as evidence to bolster your case.

documenting the car accident

3. Contact Information of the At-Fault Driver

Get the names and contact details of the at-fault driver as well as other parties involved in the incident. You should also obtain the insurance details of the at-fault party. Car accident lawyer helps you in the case even if accident was partly your fault.

4. Contact Details of Your Witnesses

If you’re fortunate enough to have witnesses, be sure to get their contact details as well. And if they’re willing to make a statement, record it too as this will be used as evidence to strengthen your case.

5. Copy of the Police Report

If you haven’t done so already, contact the authorities and report your accident. This way, police officers will arrive at the scene to conduct an initial investigation and file a police report. Ask for a copy of this report as it contains vital information such as the timeline of events, details of the people/vehicles/property involved, traffic violations incurred, statements from the drivers, witnesses and passengers of the affected vehicles. This document will help establish liability which will be especially useful for the rental vehicle car accident victims.

Police interview at the accident scene

What Other Information Do I Need to Get?

As mentioned earlier, you need to ask the other driver for their insurance details, cell phone number, and license plate number. If they refuse to provide such information, ask help from law enforcement but don’t attempt to chase them as this can be dangerous.

Before leaving the accident scene, make sure you got all the contact information from the other driver. This information will be vital for any future communication or legal proceedings that may take place.

Why Start a Journal After a Car Accident

Starting a journal after your accident can be quite helpful as your recollection of what happened can fade over time. By documenting everything, you can prevent this from happening.

journal detailing your accident and healing

A journal is especially helpful if it was a major accident that caused you to suffer significant injuries and property damage. Write down information about the accident as well as details about your injuries, the treatments you’re receiving, and the level of pain and suffering you’re experiencing. Every day, document how the accident has impacted your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Category: Accident Details
